Learn to Code: Episode 013 – CSS Properties

In this episode we’ll talk about some of the basic CSS properties and how we can use them in our HTML page. For now, we will just play around with the basic properties and how to apply them to HTML so the page won’t look that pretty. Some of the properties we’ll discuss are: color…

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Learn to Code: Episode 012 – CSS Basics

Now it’s time to discuss CSS finally! All websites must have HTML. Whereas CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is optional but essential in any website. We can only do so much with HTML alone. CSS makes web pages become lively. There are three ways to add a style into a web page: Linked stylesheet file Inline…

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Learn to Code: Episode 010 – HTML Forms – Intro to HTML Part 7

Reaching the 10th episode/lesson since I started teaching how to code for free with more episodes to come! Make sure to tell your friends about this. They don’t need to pay anything to anyone to learn web development! Again these tutorials are in TAGLISH (Tagalog and English) and are really made for complete beginners. English…

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Learn to Code: Episode 006 – HTML Tags – Intro to HTML Part 3

In the last episode, we talked about the most common HTML tags that we must be familiar with. This episode is the continuation where we will discuss more HTML tags using Visual Studio Code. We’ll start with what is called “self-closing” tags. Named because it does not require a closing tag in order to use.…

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Learn to Code: Episode 004 – Introduction to HTML Part 1

Can you start learning HTML using a mobile device alone? Do you really need a laptop or a computer? This episode discusses this question. This episode also gives an overview of HTML editors. It explains what is a source code using a word processing comparison so you can better understand the importance of an HTML…

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