Codefrost Ventures into SaaS with Three Innovative Projects

Since its inception, Codefrost has been at the forefront of digital transformation, helping businesses harness the power of cutting-edge technologies to drive growth and efficiency. Our team of skilled developers has consistently delivered sophisticated web and mobile solutions, integrating the latest in artificial intelligence to meet our clients’ unique needs.

Today, we are thrilled to announce a new chapter in our journey as we venture into the world of SaaS by launching not one, not two, but three groundbreaking projects: TrulyHappy, ArticuLearn, and SubsidyShare. These innovative applications are set to make a significant impact in their respective domains, offering unique solutions to challenges faced by users worldwide.

TrulyHappy: Your Personal Guide to Lasting Happiness

TrulyHappy is an AI-powered application designed to help you achieve genuine, long-lasting happiness. By adapting to your unique needs and happiness levels, TrulyHappy provides personalized recommendations and activities based on six fundamental principles:

  • Contentment and Generosity
  • Physical Health and Resilience
  • Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Purpose in Life
  • Hope

With features like daily happiness tracking, AI-driven suggestions, mini-courses, challenges, and deep thinking exercises, TrulyHappy is your personal guide on the journey to a more fulfilling life. Join the waiting list at to be among the first to experience this transformative app.

ArticuLearn: Master Verbal Fluency with AI

ArticuLearn is an innovative speech training app that harnesses the power of shadowing and repetition techniques to enhance your speaking skills and boost your verbal fluency. By allowing you to mimic the speech patterns, intonation, and rhythm of proficient speakers, ArticuLearn helps improve articulation, confidence, and eloquence in your chosen language.

With features like audio processing, sentence segmentation, and a user-friendly interface, ArticuLearn is set to revolutionize how we learn and master languages. As the app evolves, it will incorporate advanced AI feedback, real-time audio processing, AI dialogue simulation, and personalized learning paths to create an immersive and practical learning experience. Sign up now at for this exciting journey.

SubsidyShare: Democratizing Access to Essential Software

SubsidyShare is a groundbreaking platform that connects sponsors with free SaaS users who need financial support to access essential software tools. Its mission is to make technology accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. SubsidyShare brings SaaS service providers, sponsors, and aspirants (beneficiaries), creating a supportive ecosystem fostering growth and opportunity.

With unique features such as anonymity for both parties, seamless payment processor integration, real-time dashboards, and partial sponsorship options, SubsidyShare is set to redefine how we think about software accessibility. Sign up at to join this movement to empower dreams and enable access to essential tools.

White Label Opportunities for Founders

At Codefrost, we believe in the power of collaboration and the potential for our SaaS projects to make a difference in various industries. We invite founders and entrepreneurs to explore white-label opportunities for TrulyHappy, ArticuLearn, and SubsidyShare.

By partnering with Codefrost, you can leverage our cutting-edge technology and expertise to create a customized version of these applications tailored to your niche or target audience. Our team will work closely with you to ensure seamless integration and a smooth launch, allowing you to focus on growing your business while benefiting from our innovative solutions.

To learn more about white-label opportunities and how Codefrost can help you take your business to the next level, please contact us at We look forward to exploring the possibilities together.

Join Us in Redefining What’s Possible

At Codefrost, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation to create solutions that address real-world challenges. With the launch of TrulyHappy, ArticuLearn, and SubsidyShare, we invite you to join us in these groundbreaking endeavors.

Sign up for early access to these transformative apps’ respective websites to be among the first to experience them. Together, let us redefine what is possible and create a future where innovation knows no bounds.