Introducing SyncTimer (Synchronized Timer)!

A synchronized timer is now becoming more important because of recent surge of video conferencing or remote meetings. Meetings with multiple presenters or speakers that needs to deliver their parts just within the allowed time.

To solve this problem, we can always use our own timer. But this could be problematic because of the following reasons:

  1. Prior speaker could have delivered his/her talk greater than the scheduled duration or simply went overtime. The remaining time for the next speaker is now reduced. The next speaker can adjust his timer to compensate. But this is just another thing to worry about on top of being nervous.
  2. Any speaker could have forgotten to start his/her timer. Starting the timer mid-talk is completely worthless and even misleading.

The Solution – Synchronized Timer (SyncTimer)

Wouldn’t it be much better to have a centralized timer that all speakers can refer to? Where they don’t need to worry about starting or stopping their own timer? Or even adjusting the time allotted to their part? Wouldn’t it be great to have a timer that you can accessed from any location remotely?

I developed SyncTimer (Synchronized Timer) to solve those problems.

SyncTimer is a free and open-source web app that allows sharing of multiple timers (called Timer Set) to any number of observers (or speakers). A time keeper who created the Timer Set can start and stop the timers and the observers can just open the Timer Set link on their browser to see their current time counting down.

I used React+Redux, Node.js, and MongoDB to develop SyncTimer. It runs on any web browser, both desktop and mobile. Registration is absolutely free.

There’s nothing I can say here that could explain it better than giving it a try at Refer to How to Use post to get started.

Here is a demo timer for you. It will just keep on counting down until I reset or stop it. Open the same link on your friend’s device or on another browser and you will see a countdown timer for both devices running synchronously.

Feel free to contribute to the source code at

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